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(Описание по английски)
First of all, if you are too lazy to read all this don't bother me with problems or questions!
It's a non-simple plugin for non-simple people who want more than only some simple features. If this is not what you want, that's ok. Then just move along.
Right, it is not easy to install. But it can't be too hard either, when it is running on hundreds of servers. Sorry, I just had to say that, as I don't want to have anything like this again.
For those who want to participate in coding this plugin, the code cross reference is here. You can also generate it from source (from 1.0RC2 and above) using compiler option -r.
If you want to know on how many servers it is running you can look at the official addon/plugin stats. Thanks to Bailopan for adding it at this point.
You want to find servers where this plugin is running? Use this.
The plugin does several things that all can be turned on or off seperately by CVAR's:
on startup it reads the available servers from SERVERFILE ("amxmodx/config/serverlist.ini" by default)
saying /server shows a list of available servers (if redirect_manual is 1) - people can choose a number from the list and are immediately sent to that server
when the server is full (one free slot left, that is) people are automatically forwarded to a random server or the next server the list - redirect_auto coontrols this
with admin slots enabled when an admin (that is, he has reservation flag) connects the last person that had connected before is redirected to another server or dropped if there is no other so to be redirected to
a limit can be set how many admins can be there at the same time
when a server from the list is full or down the server is disabled in the menu and players are not redirected there automatically - to be able to check whether a server is down redirect_check_method must be > 0 and to check whether it is full redirect_check_method must be > 1
the servers are announced every redirect_announce seconds - set to 0 to turn announcements off; the server list is shown as HUD message and for living players displayed at the top and for dead players displayed somewhere below the top so it is not covered by the "spectator bars"; how much information the announcements include depends on redirect check_method
depending on redirect_check_method servers can be checked for being down/full or even current map, number of current players and maximum players can be displayed in the menu and in the announcements - when no server is available for automatic redirection the player is just dropped with an appropriate message
when someone is redirected either manually or automatically this is shown to the other players telling who was redirected and to which server
it is also announced that people can say /follow to follow this player to the server and they are redirected as well - both the announcements and the follow feature can be enabled or disabled by CVAR (redirect_follow)
the plugin is language aware (thus you need to place the redirect.txt in amxmodx/data/lang/)
the server can show whether someone who just connected was redirected to the server and from what server he is coming from
the own IP address is detected automatically and disabled in the server list - automatic detection does not work if you use DNS names in the SERVERFILE - in this case set the DNS address of the own server in redirect_external_address for the detection to work - detecting the own server is NECESSARY for the plugin to work correctly
with CVAR redirect_retry set to 1 the server can put people into a retry queue to be redirected back to the last server (e.g. when they were automatically redirected but only want to play on the server they connected to)
(Переводить времени нет)
Клиент команды:
say /server - show server redirection menu
say_team /server - show server redirection menu
pickserver - show server redirection menu
say /follow - follow the last redirected player to his server
say_team /follow - follow the last redirected player to his server
say /retry - redirect back as soon as the foregoing server has a free slot
say_team /retry - redirect back as soon as the foregoing server has a free slot
say /stopretry - stop retrying the foregoing server
say_team /stopretry - stop retrying the foregoing server
redirect_announce_now - announce server list immediately, requires ADMIN_KICK access
redirect_user - <playername|playerid> [servernum] - redirect a player [to a given server], requires ADMIN_KICK access
P ortuguese
Доступный CVAR's:
These CVAR's have to be set in the server's amxx.cfg. Only setting them via console (direct, ssh, rcon, hlsw...) is problematic for several reasons.
When discussing errors please always post the part of your amxx.cfg setting these CVAR's (those beginning with "redirect_").
redirect_active - 1/0 activate/deactivate redirect plugin - when this is set to 0 all other CVAR's are ignored, default 0
redirect_auto - 0 = disable automatic redirecting when server is full/down, 1 = redirect to random server from list, 2 = redirect to next server in list, default 0
- 0 = disable automatic redirecting when server is full/down
- 1 = redirect to random server from list
- 2 = redirect to next server in list
- 3 = always redirect except admins, redirect to random server
- 4 = always redirect except admins, redirect to next server in list
- 5 = always redirect including admins, redirect to random server
- 6 = always redirect including admins, redirect to next server in list
default 0
redirect_manual - 1/0 enable/disable manual redirecting with /server, default 0
- 0 = disable manual redirecting with /server
- 1 = enable manual redirecting with /server
- 2 = show a sub menu when player can't be redirected to server
- 3 = always show a sub menu from which the player can choose to be redirected (if possible)
default 0
redirect_follow - 1/0 enable/disable following players with /follow to a server they were redirected to - people can still use /server to follow a player though, default 0
redirect_external_address - own external server address - only needed when you use DNS names instead of IPs in SERVERFILE - this must match the name in SERVERFILE - include the port!
redirect_check_method - check the servers in the list - 0 =no checks, 1 = ping only(to check whether a server is down), 2 = check active players and max. players as well, default 0
redirect_announce - announce server list with stats (depends on redirect_check_method) in center every redirect_announce seconds - set to 0 for off, default 60
redirect_announce_mode - control who announcements are displayed for: 1 = alive players , 2 = dead players, 3 = both, default 3
redirect_announce_alivepos_x - the vertical position of the announcements displayed to living people, default -1.0
redirect_announce_alivepos_y - the horizontal position of the announcements displayed to living people, default 0.01
redirect_announce_deadpos_x - the vertical position of the announcements displayed to living people, default -1.0
redirect_announce_deadpos_y - the horizontal position of the announcements displayed to living people, default 0.35
redirect_show - 1/0 enable/disable redirection information in chat area, default 1
redirect_adminslots - 1/0 enable/disable adminslots - when set to 1 people are redirected off the server when someone with a reserved slot connects, default 0
redirect_maxadmins - maximum number of admin slots that can be used at the same time - set to 0 for no limit, default 0
redirect_retry - 1/0 enable/disable retry queue feature - when set to 1 players can say /retry and are redirected as soon as a slot on the target server is free (currently only works for redirecting them back to the server that redirected them to the current server), default 0
redirect_hidedown - control hiding of servers that are down (not responding):
- 0 = don't hide
- 1 = hide in menu
- 2 = hide in announcements
- 3 = hide in menu and announcements
(has no effect with redirect_check_method 0)
default 0
redirect_countbots - 1/0 count/don't count bots when checking/displaying active players on servers, default 1
redirect_localslots - 1/0 enable/disable slot reserving for local players - remote players are redirected off the server when a local player connects, default 0
Bold means this CVAR is only available in the beta version.
Counter-Strike 1.6 server CS 1.6 xREDIRECT (csfull) by http://csfull.info
Counter-Strike 1.6
AMX Mod X 1.76b
Metamod 1.19
CS 1.6 xREDIRECT (csfull)
CS1.6xREDIRECT (csfull)