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ZAKДата: Суббота, 2008-08-02, 8:05 PM | Сообщение # 1
Группа: Удаленные

Плагин ставит на стены зарядку жизней и брони.


HA_maxhealth - How much health is in a HealthStation for everyone [number of HP] (0-100) (Default: 40 HP)
HA_maxplayerhealth - Set the maximum amount of health a player can charge [100 - 255] (Default: 255 HP)
HA_healthpersec - Set the amount of HP a player get per chargecycle [1 - ?] (Default: 4 HP should be 8-12 HP per second)
HA_maxarmor - How much armor is in a ArmorStation for everyone [number of AP] (0-100) (Default: 40 AP)
HA_maxplayerarmor - Set the maximum amount of armor a player can charge [100 - 255] (Default: 255 AP)
HA_armorpersec - Set the amount of AP a player get per chargecycle [1 - ?] (Default: 4 AP should be 8-12 AP per second)
HA_healthreloadtime - How long the player have to wait till he can use the same HealthStation again [number in seconds](Default: 30 sec)
HA_armorreloadtime - How long the player have to wait till he can use the same ArmorStation again [number in seconds] (Default: 30 sec)
HA_gloweffect - Let the HealthStations glow red and the ArmorStations glow blue [0|1] (on|off) (Default: 1)

"+place_station" - надо забиндить кнопку (на ету кнопку ставим аптечку)
"push_station" - тоже биндим кнопку (на ету вставить её в стену)
"pull_station" - снова биндим (на ету выдвинуть из стены)
"del_station" - бинд (на ету удаляем то что поставили)

Прикрепления: 64_Health-Armor.zip (121.5 Kb)
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