LongJumpStats_eXtremeModification С помощью только одного amxx ты никогда про свой прыжок ничего не узнаешь.
Тебе нужны специальные плагины для измерения Long Jump'a. Плагин к amxx – Long Jump Stats eXtreme Modification v2.2b
Установка: замените свою папку cstrike на папку cstrike из архива
Включается и выключается командой /ljstats в общем чате. Или просто bind "..." "say /ljstats"
В архиве идет readme на английском.
Для того чтобы добавить свои настройки в работу плагина, их следует прописать в
cstrike/addons/amxmodx/configs/amxx.cfg в самом низу.
Admin commands:
amx_resetljrec - resets ljrec and ljtop
amx_resetljtop - resets ljrec and ljtop
Client commands:
say /colorchat - enables/disables colorchat
say /lj10 - display tops menu
say /ljrec - display records menu
say /ljsmenu - display ljs menu
say /ljstats - enables/disables longjump stats
say /ljsversion - prints plugin version
say /speed - enables/disables visible speed
|~~ Long Jump Stats - eXtreme Modification ~~|
Server cvars:
// Enabled/Disables the plugin
// 0 = disabled
// 1 = enabled
kz_ljs_enabled "1"
// Maximum possible lj (not 4 cj)
kz_max_lj "260.0"
// 1337 lj (prints to all players)
// To disable, set it to -1
kz_leet_lj "250.0"
// Professional lj (prints to all players)
// To disable, set it to -1
kz_pro_lj "245.0"
// Good lj (prints to all players)
// To disable, set it to -1
kz_good_lj "240.0"
// Minimal lj distance
kz_min_lj "215.0"
// Difrence between longjump and countjump for good/pro/leet/max jump
kz_cj_dif "10.0"
// Enables lj sounds
// 0 = disabled
// 1 = ultimate sounds
// 2 = distance in voice
kz_lj_sounds "1"
// How dose plugin works
// 0 = no top and no colorchat
// 1 = prints good/pro/leet jumps
// 2 = enables top10
// 3 = prints good/pro/leet jumps and enables top10
kz_lj_top "3"
// Do you want to save ljtop after mapchange?
kz_ljs_topsave "1"
// How ranking will work?
// 0 = names
// 1 = steam ids
// 2 = ips
kz_ljs_rank_by "0"
// Kz jumping color chat:
// 0 = normal
// 1 = red
// 2 = green
// 3 = blue
// 4 = silver
// 5 = team color
kz_leet_lj_clr "1"
kz_pro_lj_clr "2"
kz_good_lj_clr "4"
kz_leet_cj_clr "1"
kz_pro_cj_clr "2"
kz_good_cj_clr "4"
// Colors of /ljstats (rrr ggg bbb)
kz_ljstats_red "0"
kz_ljstats_green "255"
kz_ljstats_blue "159"
// LongJump Stats Laser Beam
// 0 = off
// 1 = normal
// 2 = uber beam
kz_ljs_beam "2"
// Enables protection 4 legal kreedz settings
kz_legal_settings "1"
// Is your server fast?
// 0 = slow
// 1 = normal
// 2 = realy good ( >10mb/s or localhost/lan server )
kz_ljs_fastserver "2"
// Enables auto-setting 4 kz_ljs_fastserver cvar if it is 2
kz_ljs_autoserver "1"
// What is enabled on client when he connects to a server?
// 0 = nothing
// a = colorchat
// b = ljstats
// c = speed
kz_ljs_connectenabler "abc"
// Do you want cmds like /speed to be visible in the chat?
kz_ljs_viscmds "1"
// Speedometer type
// 0 = show real speed and horizontal speed
// 1 = show real speed
// 2 = show horizontal speed
kz_ljs_speedtype "0"
Admin commands:
amx_resetljrec - resets ljrec and ljtop
amx_resetljtop - resets ljrec and ljtop
Client commands:
say /colorchat - enables/disables colorchat
say /lj10 - display tops menu
say /ljrec - display records menu
say /ljsmenu - display ljs menu
say /ljstats - enables/disables longjump stats
say /ljsversion - prints plugin version
say /speed - enables/disables visible speed
1. Extract all files and overwrite your cstrike folder
2. Add kz_ljs_xm.amxx in addons/amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini list
3. Restart your server/Change map
!!! WARNING !!!
To get better gocheck and hook protection write kz_ljs_xm.amxx
in plugins.ini BEFORE your checkpoint and hook plugins!
Good e.x. of plugins.ini
-> kz_ljs_xm.amxx
-> ProKreedz.amxx
-> ProKreedz_Hook.amxx
Bad e.x. of plugins.ini
-> ProKreedz.amxx
-> ProKreedz_Hook.amxx
-> kz_ljs_xm.amxx